If your hair is longer than hip length, then you are officially a part of the tiny percentage of women with super long hair. First of all, congratulations - it is quite a feat to resist haircutting for so many years, and you will undoubtedly be the envy of some of your friends and acquaintances (though most will not admit it). Super-long hair will turn heads wherever you go - it really is a thing of beauty and will make you stand out from your short-haired and medium-length counterparts
Once your hair becomes super long, however, you'll find that basic hairstyling techniques will, much of the time, no longer apply. You will need advice that is specifically targeted to your hair type and length. I wish I could give you this advice myself, but I can't - my hair has only been waist-length at its longest (though I hope one day to surpass that). I can, however, point you in the right direction: The Long Hair Community.

Made up of thousands of women around the world who either have long hair or are dedicated to having it in the future, The Long Hair Community features articles, tips, forums and photo galleries of women with extra long hair, some of whom have grown theirs floor length and beyond. Some members are definitely bordering on hair obsessed, but this is a good thing for you - it means they know what they're talking about when it comes to taking care of really long hair.