Caring For Your Skin

Skin care is an essential part of our daily routine. One should look after the skin the same way one looks after other skin parts as a nice, beautiful skin makes a whole lot of difference in one's appearance. If a person has a perfect body and perfect features but if the skin isn't good, entire looks get spoilt.
Our entire body is covered with the coatings of skin, which protects and hides the inner body. So there should be a daily routine to care about the skin. There are many factors which decide how to look after or care about the skin as skin type; if the skin is oily, normal, dry, sensitive or combination, climate as different ways of caring the skin are required in different climates as its different in rains, summers and winters. People have many patterns for skin care.

These days they have become much more aware about their looks as never before. To get a beautiful and healthy skin they change their diet, their cosmetics and skin care products. They get skin massages, facials, clean ups and what not. But still there is a basic way to look after the skin, which is a must for all skin types, in all weather conditions. It's a kind of base to start with skin care and should be there in our day-to-day skin care regime.
The first thing is cleaning -
cleaning of the skin is the first must thing to do. For that we take bath everyday. There are a vast variety of cleansers available in the market nowadays. One can choose the best suited for one's skin type. Cleaning the skin doesn't mean just cleaning one's face. Though face is the ultimate reflection of one' personality but one should keep the overall skin clean by using good body wash depending on the skin type and climate conditions as a moisturizing soap wont turn good in humidity or in rains, medicated soaps are good options to use in heat and rains.
Now comes the cleaning of the face. Dirt, make up traces and pollution have their first impact on the facial skin. If ignored they can damage the skin's upper layer badly. That's the reason skin cleaning has been given so much importance. So when starting up the cleaning procedure one should clean the hands first as if hands are dirty they will put more dirt and germs on the face and the skin will break out in pimples, acne and boils.
Then should clean the face and neck with a good quality mild cleanser depending on your skin type as cream based for dry skin, gel based for oily skin and mild for sensitive skin. Different cleansers have different ways of cleansing. Soap based have to be applied on face with palms in foam and then washed whereas many other liquid cleansers should be taken on a cotton dab and then the washed face should be wiped off with them. They clean the pores in a better way then only with the soap.
Home made cleansers-
if one have the time and urge, one can make excellent home made cleansers which are extremely good for the skin. To clean dry skin one can take few drops of milk cream and add few drops of lemon juice to it. Give a light massage on face in upward motion with it. The dry skin will become very neat and glowing. For oily skin lemon juice and cucumber mixed together and applied on face with a cotton dab is extremely useful. Lemon should not be used on sensitive skin.
toning of the skin is the second basic skin care step. It keeps the skin tone and helps to keep the skin pore size small. Toning for all skin type is the same. In the market some good toners are available in different brands. One can choose any of them. If one wants to go for herbal toner, one can get them easily in the market. Toner tones the skin and makes it look young, tight and supple. After cleaning the skin a dab of cotton soaked in a good branded toner should be applied on the face.
If one wants to make a toner at home, one can make it easily by applying tomato juice on skin the same way readymade toner has to be applied. Tomato is a very good toner to reduce the size of pores. Using it too can benefit people who suffer from open pores. A mixture of tomato juice and watermelon juice too is a good toner for the skin. Rose water itself is a good toner for a normal skin.
the last and very important basic skin care step is moisturizing skin and here one has to keep the skin type very much in mind when buying a good moisturizer. Oil and cream based moisturizers are required for dry skin type. For the oily skin water based moisturizers are good. In the daytime one should always choose a moisturizer, which has sun protection factor in it.
In winters for the dry skin a mixture of glycerin, rose water and lemon juice is a very good moisturizer, which can be easily made at home and can be filled in a glass bottle for the further use.