Short Hairstyle For Girls Biography
There are a number of examples of men with long hair throughout history, and across many cultures - Chinese 'queues', Sikh men who will not cut the hair and bind it underneath turbans. The many wonderful photo's of Native American Indians with fab little accessories. As for women, orthodox Judaic women cut their hair on marriage and often wear wigs; and for many final commitmant ceremonies, a nun's hair would be shaved before the head is covered by wimple and veil.
Tess Whitehouse, Bristol, Somerset, UK
You might expect it to be the other way round - so men were more like lions. However, if you believe in the aquatic ape hypothesis - that we went through a period of wading, which explains our locked knees and pattern of body hair, amongst other things - then it might be useful for women to have longer hair for their offspring to cling on to in the water.
Vivienne, London UK
Men were supposed to have short hair because they had to fight, or to work in the fields. Women, especially the noble ones, had long hair because they often stayed all day long in the castle. Moreover, if I remember well, hair is linked with sex - as everything is in Freud's theories.
Quentin, Sotteville-lès-Rouen France
Supposed to? Where is this written, am I flagrantly disregarding some part of common law? Nobody is supposed to do anything - they choose.
Simon Johnson, Plymouth, UK
I think it's to do with nurturing. I heard a theory that it originates in pre-history, when man spent a lot of time in water - and therein the infants had to cling to their mothers locks for safety.
RT Smith, London, UK
That's not really responsive to the question, is it? You weren't supposed to say that! Hunting and other traditional male roles producing dirtier hair than childcare and other domestically oriented traditional female roles. Males would have shorter hair, it seems to me, for cleanliness ergo good health, and women could afford to have longer, wavy, curling hair to do what they do so well... enhance and emphasize their soft and curving femininity.
Mike Turvey, Overland Park, Kansas, USA
Because St Paul said so in the Bible. He is believed to have got the idea partially from the fact that Roman soldiers had short hair. Then again, it may just be his personal preference, just like I personally think that bald men look better with beards, and men with hair on the top of their heads look better without. Considering that Paul said that men should have short hair, and he claims that Jesus was the source of most of his wisdom, it's rather weird that every picture I've ever seen of the adult Jesus shows him with long hair.
Caroline, Wellington New Zealand
I am a long-haired male; and I feel a kind of bond whenever I see another guy with long hair. I think it has got something to do with having a slightly rebellious streak - I automatically associate long-haired men with being rebels. People are always telling me to cut my hair and every time they do it makes me want to grow it even longer. In heavy metal culture, long hair on a man is considered "the norm", as you will find out if you ever go to the Intrepid Fox in London. It's funny how the opposite is not necessarily true for women. I personally prefer women with long hair - but I think it comes down to whatever you feel comfortable with or what you feel suits you. Never conform to everybody else's standards. Long hair can be just as smart on a man and short hair on a woman. Although I'm not sure where the preconceptions over hair length originated from.
Raven Garcia, Whitechapel, London England
In ancient Greece men wore their hair long at the earliest period. Later they shifted to short hair. Hair length also reflects social status, though not in a consistent pattern. Thus, while respectable Greek women seem to have had long hair pictures of hetaira (courtesans) show them with short hair. In the English civil war the long hair of the Royalists expressed the self-indulgent aristocratic ethos, while the short hair of the Roundheads expressed the puritanism of the early bouirgeoisie. There is a parallel contrast between the long-haired ease of the modern hippie and the short-haired discipline of the organization man. Even career women are advised to wear short hair to project a "strong image" despite the continuing general social acceptability of long hair for women.
Stephen Shenfield, Providence, RI USA
I don't think there's a reason for it anymore, it's just an arbitrary value perpetuated by culture that means nothing. I have pixie short hair because it looks great on me, and I have had it this way for most of my twenties. Many men (and women) find it attractive and beautiful.
Lauren, Dallas USA
Supposed to have long vs short hair? In multicultural London the trend now is very much to a uniformity of short, or tied back, hair for both genders. Its perhaps a matter of adaption that it becomes a social norm, as within the human mileu differences of this kind are not easily tolerated. If one 'look ' procures greater social status or dominance then it is likely to be imitated/modelled. If anyone cultural group arrives and consistently adopts say very short hair then is not likely that all other cultural groups will adapt not to be out trumped, also this can be mirrored in gender terms.
jp, London England
There may have been early reasons for hair being useful. By and large it responds to fashion. Nowadays it is apparently not ok to hairy legs/armpits if you are a woman. And heaven help you if you go to the beach like that. Weird.
gecko100, brizzie Oz
Mmmm, a good question ! I am an American living in Bretagne and my man is French. He has gorgeous long, dark hair. It is longer than mine ! (which is also long) It is always neatly groomed and washed. He ties it back at times and is handsome with it free or restrained. I believe that it depends on the man, or woman, their personal style and type of hair. I have been attracted to men with both long and short hair. I would be very upset if my guy even cut his hair short.
Susan, Brest France
The shorter mens hairstyle started with WW1, and the need to eliminate lice on the troops. The style was emulated by Hollywood as the new norm.
AARAGON, Carmel, California
I think hair expresses different image to men and women. At first hair enhances beauty. It is said that man for bravery and woman for beauty. So woman is supposed to keep long hair to enhance their beauty. In hinduism a son has to perform all rituals after the death of parents. For this a son has to shave his hair. So man is supposed to have short hair. But I think in prehistory man had to work hard and long hair made the head hot. There is also a factor of cleanness. So men kept their hair short to keep cool and clean.
Promoth Roy, Rangpur Bangladesh
I agree with Promoth Roy. Sikhs in India do not cut their hair so they have long beards and long hair on the head. But that is a religious injunction and not necessarily out of choice - some do defy the injunction though. I think long hair adds to beauty and grace of women by nature. Long hair on men puts me off.
Short Hairstyle For Girls
Short Hairstyle For Girls
Short Hairstyle For Girls
Short Hairstyle For Girls
Short Hairstyle For Girls
Short Hairstyle For Girls

Short Hairstyle For Girls

Short Hairstyle For Girls
Short Hairstyle For Girls
Short Hairstyle For Girls
Short Hairstyle For Girls