Haircuts for Men - Tips & Hints

The women agree that men must be at least a little vain. They do not need to wear makeup or understand everything about the fashion world - sometimes only pay special attention to the hair improves the already masculine image.

However, be careful when choosing the haircut. Consider two factors: the ideal model for your face type (see below) and also think the cut will be practical in your daily life. Will need to use hair gel or other products? You have the ability to do that? It does not help out with a fantastic hair salon if you will not be able to maintain this look later.

 A cut for every face type

Triangular: That kind of face that has a more pointed chin and jaw off. Let the hair frayed on the side.

Round: This face type lacks well-defined features, you should remove the bulk of the side for leaving slightly more rectangular face, a good idea is to shred the wires of the upper.

Oval: faces are wider at the sides, this kind gives greater freedom of hairstyles, almost any cutting looks good in this type of face.