Men's cuts - Bet on Mohawk to innovate the visual

For those who want to change their look, stick with a modern and stylish hair, the mohawk is the right choice. The style can be adopted by more eccentrics and also by more traditional, practical and is a cut that leaves the casual look. Those who prefer something more stylized painting of bright colors or very large leaves with wires.
But it also has a place for those who like something more discreet in tone and short natural hair.

The player Neymar started wearing a mohawk discrete wired shorter. Today the boy Belmiro parades wired much longer and creepy, the court turned its trademark on and off the field. Earlier this year the actor Jim Carrey, known for films such as Ace Ventura and The Almighty, radicalized the visual and also adopted the shaved sides.
From football stadiums to movie screens, the mohawk is literally on the minds of many men.

And the mohawk is not only used by men, women also enjoy the look and are super stylish. Singers Rihanna and Pink, for example, has marched with the court.

You can have straight hair, wavy, curly or frizzy, the mohawk looks good on all types. The court has unique feature: longer wires from the front of the head to the neck and sides hair with shorter wires (most of which adhere to the style you prefer shaving with machine). The wires are larger bristling upward.