Men's hair - Change your cut and get more stylish

Time to change the look, touching the hair is the best option. While women leave their big locks and take only the tips each month, men can exchange cutting every two weeks if you want.

The advantage you have the short wires is that they can be cut and combed in different ways: shredded, the machine, bristling with gel, with more volume, messy or neat.
Gone is the time when we did that men square cut and like the most. Today man is tuned for news and more concerned with their own style and create a look that has his trademark.

The proof is in the halls created to cater exclusively to men. The Barber Shop 9 July, in São Paulo, managed to recreate the atmosphere of barber shops of the 1940s and 1950s. On the website they call themselves as a place made ​​for men of all ages and styles who want grooming, relax and feel at a sanctuary for gentlemen. She has two addresses in the city.

In the capital of Rio, the Red Salon is a space dedicated to beauty of man, which in addition to cutting hair, also has services like relaxation, color and hydration. To make customers more comfortable, the lounge offers coffee, beer and even a Playstation to let them amuse themselves while waiting for their turn. The Red Salon has three addresses in Rio de Janeiro.
In Curitiba, Paraná, the Barber Club also makes hit among stylish men. The atmosphere promises to give the customer a day of king right with scalding feet, beer, and snacks between services is one of the options to 'camouflage of white hair'.

Who says hairdresser is a women?